// Stoch Astic 14 SHOW VALUE IN (cfield1) AND (cfield2) -- BEGIN true == function () { if ((pe)<20) { //-------- YOUR COMMAND BEGIN ---------- var max = [ih][0].PriceMax; var min = [ih][0].PriceMin; for (var ipos = 0; ipos < 14; ipos++) { if (max < [ih][ipos].PriceMax) max = [ih][ipos].PriceMax; } for (var ipos = 0; ipos < 14; ipos++) { if (min > [ih][ipos].PriceMin) min = [ih][ipos].PriceMin; } K = ((((pc)-min) / (max - min)) * 100); D=(K +((([ih][0].PClosing-min)/(max - min))*100)+((([ih][1].PClosing-min)/(max-min))*100))/3; (cfield1)= Math.round(K); (cfield2)= Math.round(D); return true; //-------- YOUR COMMAND END ---------- } //==================END IF ================ } () // Stoch Astic 14 SHOW VALUE IN (cfield1) AND (cfield2) -- END // -----WWW.HOOSHEFAAL.IR-----